I'm not skinny!
A few days ago my friend Amanda told me that if I don't change the stud after don't-know-how-many-months something bad will happen and it is reported in the news!
I think the 'something bad' means I can't remove the stud like forever?
Can't remember. I only remember Hakim saying lotsa rubbish like I'll get cancer and bleed. -.-
But. How to change the stud?
Anyone knows?
And found some pic of me, yy & nov trying to act-cool.
But we ended up looking silly and stupid, haha.
Gah, and I'm not feeling well nowadays.
Something wrong with my throat it feels so sore..
I've been drinking at last 8 bottles of water a day (which is a lot for me).
I usually drink soft-drinks or soup only...
& now, I'm drinking my 9th bottle of water while blog hopping.
I love to see pretty girls blog haha.