P.s for the poor quality pictures. All of them are taken using my mobile phone.
I don't bring cameras around, haha.
Plus I realize my camera is on the wrong setting!
It's set to the lowest quality size picture, tsk.
James & Melvinder after class:

Haha, gay and funny pictures.
Melvinder's ponytail fringe inspired by me mwuahha.
& Last week belated celebration for me and brenda;
Only three picture turn out to be visible, the rest are too dark ;(
Me & CHY (classmate for 4 years!)

Brenda (BFF for 6 years!)

The not-for-us-but-its-for-us cake;

& some self-obsessed picture taken in the bus when we're heading to school.
P.s// Hakim took my phone and snap it himself while he's checking his hair!

And during 3d Animation class we made awesome stuff.
My classmate's work;

We have to work on exaggeration and that explains why there is weird parts like a long or pig looking nose!