Today would probably be the longest day in my timetable.
But definitely also the best! (and stress)
I love this semester module.
Nothing more fun and satisfying than getting to film in a green screen studio
and mixing it with motion graphic during post production using afterfx.
Btw, I have no school tomorrow.
Ain't my time table great.
Though I have the feeling it wasn't suppose to be an 'off' day..
It's for more project meetings and completing of last minute assignments.
Stress alert for the Year twos.
But definitely also the best! (and stress)
I love this semester module.
Nothing more fun and satisfying than getting to film in a green screen studio
and mixing it with motion graphic during post production using afterfx.
Btw, I have no school tomorrow.
Ain't my time table great.
Though I have the feeling it wasn't suppose to be an 'off' day..
It's for more project meetings and completing of last minute assignments.
Stress alert for the Year twos.