Sorry to those friends whom I've invited verbally but didn't inform you ;(
It was a really impromptu decision to have steamboat today, I apologies!
During the afternoon, moo came over and we watch 'Drag me to hell' together.
We all look extremely bored while waiting for the others to arrive.
Then, we feast on steamboat and hotplate!
Until everyone came, we played blackjack-forfeit games.
We started with really minor forfeit games.
Like for eg, hitting or slapping the hands/arm.
Later, we decided to take the game to a whole new level.
The banker (whom unfortunately is kyy) have to forfeit his face to us!
His forfeit is to let us do a 'make-over' for his face, and have a picture taken.
That picture shall be his fb profile pic for 3 days :D
In the making of our 'Miss-Jurong west';
We all had fun applying various make-up on his face!
Poor kyy.
But he look damn hot right?
Fun day today!