Thursday, February 25, 2010

okie dokie a la ka jokie

Holidays are boring for me :(
No job, no outing, no hobby or recreation, no boyfriend, no nonono.

I miss being at school with all my classmates!

& I just realized that these are the people whom I've probably hung out the MOST,
or maybe all the time last year!

(pic changed)

I think it's kinda hard for me to be around with different groups of people.
I don't feel that comfortable.
Besides, I don't meet up with my virtual friends.

I always find my fb friends weird and...sometimes we're not on the same page
Maybe cus I'm an auntie stuck in a teenage bod. hahaha.
Thus, I have different thinking!

I go out with people I know in real life.
& classmates are the ones who always stick by your side!