I'm pathetic, I ran out of photos to post on my blog..
so these are the pictures I found on facebook!
Was telling hakim today that I'm kinda afraid to take picture now...
This week we celebrated my dad's birthday and I realize that my parents are no longer young, next year they'll be older. :((
It's kinda sad when you calculate how much time you're left together with your family members.
50 years seems kinda long but if 1 year could pass that fast, I couldn't imagine...
Damn this is so negative of me.
This post is gonna be about me rambling about weird stuff.
My youngest sis is painting her nails now next to me.
I hate that smell ;(
& I removed my black nails recently.
I'm so shock that my nails turned yellow!
ewwww...but its betta now after I applied the nail protector
I wonder when will New moon be out on cinema?
There's lots of speculation about it.
Some people say it's out already but it's a sneak preview (?), internet state it will only be out tomorrow.
Anyhow I think I'll be catching it on Saturday.
I can't wait for it.
I love boys who sparkle, haha.