Yes I finally did what I longed to do, which is to change the outlook of my blog.
It looks clean and sparkly now, I just cleaned it with mamalemon.
Okay it sounds lame ;(
And again, some overdue pictures.
I think Hakimah Ahsoh will appear more in my blog since I see him almost everyday!
We're the go-home-kids because we go home after school everyday.
Sounds like 'duh, of course go home' but what I meant was we went home straight after school unlike most of the students who hang out in town, play pool, whatever.
Some even hang out in school? Like wt* what's so amazing about the school.
(P.s// Waiting for friend doesn't count)

Did some drawings today...
I'm not any art material, just started drawing hope it's not too late!
When I say I can't draw I really mean I can't draw. (I'm not trying to be humble)
There's sucha urban myth that girls can draw well and their hand-writing is always nicer.
It's so not true because I think guys draw better, especially malay guys.
Haha, realize I just stereotype people here ;P
Below you can see that my drawing is completely worthless as compared to Hakim's
(who so happen to be a malay guy which proves my theory)
My 1-mark-for-effort piece of crap;
His macho man;
Now you see!