Sort of like Alice In Wonderland which will be released next year.
And again, with the amazing Johnny Depp.
But I wonder if this movie will be release in Singapore?
Wednesday, 14/09/09:
Hung out in town together with Tobias, Amanda & Lee Ming.
Watch two movies, Surrogates and 500days with Summer.
Both are o-kay.
Not as 'epic' as expected.
Especially Surrogate. It seems like their trailer is nicer than the actual movie!
I kinda hate the ending of the movie ;(
I was pretty lucky yesterday because while heading out, I met Ryan Ong Tian Tze!
We sat on the same bus and coincidentally heading to town area too.
Have to thank him because he help me figure out how to open the sim card compartment in my new phone (not really new actually)
Testing out my camera on him!
Hopefully I'll meet him again- on Sunday!
Oh yeah~ Floorball ftw.
Something interesting I saw in Cine and apparently everywhere.
Check out New Urban Male Store!
Haha, looks like Boomz is everywhere ;P
During the 'waiting-for-movie' time, we went to the arcade to kill of time.
Played Dance Dance Revolution for the first time.
Omg, my dancing succk I'm like some robotic dude stomping on the floor, hahaha.
Grade: D
Then, the guys went on to play basketball.
They set the highest record ;O
Leeming played the 'pick-up-softtoy' (?) machine and got Winnie The Pooh for only 4 bucks!
That means he succeed after 2 try, clap clap.
So, the day was pretty fun and enjoyable!
I booked a computer in Lan shop just to go Fb and play Bejewel Blitz, rofl.
And I formed my "boomz" sentence of the day!
Me: There there click this got 4 color then can BOOMZ!!