My bus mates, together we are BAH!
We did the 'Belle' pose because I am always self-conscious about my nose!
Alrighty, and my surprise of the week was a very belated gift from Anna.
Thanks sweetie!
And Nov. got his haircut this week!
Sad for him, he have to cut his hair short because of the clinic rule or smthing.
So much for optometry!
Haha, the after hair picture was forced-to-be-gay!
Friday we went to watch Jennifer's Body at JP.
Saturday we watch Coraline at Vivo.
Fell asleep at the first half of Coraline it was pretty boring and slow.
But the ending was scary (to me)!
Ate McSpicy at Mcdonald like finalllyyyyyy I have been craving for it since last week.
& YY and me won apple pieeeee from the monopoly stickers!
I've known YY and Nov for four years and it's only recently that we hung out.
I wonder why!
Still, thanks for letting me have so much fun.
Ciao xxx.