YESTERDAY, 30th May:
Was late for work, 23 minutes late. Why am I always late nowadays?
Work was rather boring, making me sleepy.
Ryan, Wx & Chee yang came my work place to find me.
Jeffrey (the chef) was really good! He treated us Seafood platter & fries.
Then, went peni to collect Chee yang's Agnes B tshirt because he went to alter it.
The tshirt alone cost around 125 bucks, it's crazy.
Kean & Ws came to meet us soon after.
Went Cineleisure and bought movie tickets to The night at the museum 2.
Slack/sleep while waiting for Donna, Jerrel & Nelson.
Then, my mood scale went down. I was really sleepy and tired and just sleepy.
Slept all the way from Macdonalds to the bus ride home.
9 tickets in total;

With the pretty donna;

Wearing Man Utd shirt, straight after work;

Haha just look at Ws, he never fail to make me laugh.

Taken by Jerrel, candid;

THEM! I'm not in the pic because I took the photos haha
Thanks to this gang of boys we have many ff and funny pictures on tht day.