The camp was alright because I was expecting more.
So much more fun last year!
I miss Maisie Chew bombing me while I go "bom ga le lao sai" in a small voice and she'll laugh her ass off.
But still!
It was enjoyable.
The deepest impression from the camp is "UP AH ~ UP AH !", laughs.
~Picture time~
Chee yang's high-end photography!
Wee song pose *
Chee yang-the-cute!
Sneak peaks during night walk.
I was the last pair to walk nightwalk. So basically there was not much actors left to 'scare' us, all went home sleep already.

I didn't even experience the dead monk lah.
how boring is that.
Me & Pretty Chiu Xuan (p.s if i spell wrongly)

Uhm... Bom-ba..

It was flag painting time!
After our shower, haha
We are doing tht horn thing on our head because our group identity is a unicorn

During the last day, where all groups perform their skit and cheers.
I like IO group's skit the best. Ryan came up with it!

Then, there's the famous butter hill game that I will always miss.
I'm afraid of heights and can't bear to dirty myself with eeweek butter, lol ;x
Rachel, covered with butter;

Then, there's this station game where we have to do many stunt.
But it was fun.
I'm the one wearing BLSS Neptune Tee!
The girl beside me totally had her face inside the pail of flour! GOSH

With the two cuties, Kai xin & Chiu Xuan.
I'm lazy to post any further.... there's like tons of pics haha.