Mostly because I've not been going out..
I shall blog about how to..uh...."achieve" my hairstyle (?)
Idk why but passerby(s) had been asking me about the name of my hairstyle/ which salon I go to/ what perm I get/ how much is it/ etc
Seriously, there's no name to it & I don't even specially style my hair!
But I do, can, share a few tips with you (;
Ya, So this is my secret weapon.
You need to purchase it from the Salon.
Styling cream for soft curls @ Central (blk 900+) Yi Zhi De Jia Salon
After your shower, you can use it directly on your wet hair.
Scrunch your wet hair using the cream, Do an upward movement..
Okay this is a lousy example because obviously my hair is dry lol.
F.Y.I/ no need to use too much cream you want your hair to look natural
& of course if you just perm your hair, your hair will look more curly in the first few months.
Maybe after 3-4 months your curl will start to slack and become wavy like mine.
Another Secret weapon of mine!
Lucidol Styling wax.
This is a MUST BUY I tell you.
The designing pot is small and handy. (Also have apple green scent ;D)
I always use this when I want my hair curl to have more volume.
Scoop an average amount on your fingertips and then twist your hair like this:
But PLEASE don't twist every part of your hair haha!
I think it will look weird.
Maybe just twist the front part of your hair.
Anyway, Do more of the scrunching upward movement!
Check in the mirror to see if you are satisfied haha!
& of course the golden tip is just scrunch your hair upward!
And your curls will be very natural.
There's no need to specially style it or whatsoever.
Because even if you specially style till super nice;
Step out of house, kena wind blow, bye-bye.
YEA, if you want more define curls you can use this.
Like those wind blow also won't messy still stay-down-there de curls.
But I don't really like using this two.
Because it gives my curls a hard texture.
Anyway, my mum uses it lah.
I think it's more suitable for aunties. yep. ;x
& If you are going for dinner/etc important event you can use this.
There's a little glitter then use liao machiam superstar.
I have a lot of hair products at home.
p.s/ because my mum buy a lot from the salon, she's a regular customer.
Lastly, end with my Zi Lian pic!
I hate my Digi-cam because it shows the date of my photo.