Sunday, April 26, 2009

- - UPDATED- -
-Photos grabbed from Rachel's blog-

26/04, Sunday:

Went for photo shoot today with two other models Rachel & Anna.

With pretty Rachel;


Our Pretty organizer Sophia;


I like the photos taken today! especially by my first group ;D
This time for the shoot, Yumyum provide a bouquet of roses as prop.

Roses for you?-

After the photo shoot we went to have our lunch & Liang Court.
With the Tang shooters!


Dine at a Jap restaurant, the food was damn ex and taste so-so ;/
Anyhow, thanks Sophia for the treat!

Shuana, Sophia & Belle;


Then, to Partyworld.

With Sophia, Shuana, Anna & Sophia;




The place was like freezer, damn cold.
& Sophia's singing is awesome, we all thought that she should join superstar!

Rachel & I left early because we both have something on.

We're like walking when I ask her "Hey you know how to get to the mrt station?"
She was like "Omg! I was following you leh! I thought you know!"


We're both road idiot omg...

As we reach Clark Quay, an 'Ang moh' approach us.

He: *Reach out for my elbow like I'm his long time friend* Hey! how ya doing?
Me: uh do you know how to get to the mrt station?
He: sorry~ I have no idea, I cabbed down from the mrt station.

*omg he very rich is it? so short distance also want cab down siao*

Me: Ooooh okay never mind thanks
He: Ya, sure. Wanna go for a drink?

Rachel + Me: No thanks!

Then, we both set out to find the MRT station again.
Along the way, we both chatted about the Ang moh. .

Rachel thought that he's my friend while I thought that he is Rachel's friend!

Turn out that he's just some random stranger.

& We begin chatting about how Ang moh's pick up line to 'jio' girls is so much better than Singaporean guys.

Singaporean guys have the worst pick up line, highest rejection rate too.

Do you realize that they always and ONLY go:

Xiao Jie~ Can give me your phone number?


Xiao Jie~ My friend wants your phone number

Alright jokes aside. . .

I'm having this really bad cold right now and I wish it will go away asap!
My room's rubbish bin is like filled with tissue papers already~
