The blinding flash-light.
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You know, I just finish watching The City Of Ember last midnight.
It's a really meaningful movie, to me at least.
The trailer-
It's about a few scientist, engineers, important people, gathering as a group;
Building an underground city.
This city is called Ember.
The underground city is built to protect the 'mankind' from disaster/war/etc.
The chosen Mayor of the city is held responsible in protecting a lil box.
This box, is set to 200 years.
After 200 years, when the city start to crumble and rot, the box will be unlocked.
Inside the box is the instruction to leave the city of Ember.
Of course, the box which is passed on from generation to generation.
Then, the chain broke when the 7th mayor died suddenly.
People forgotten about that lil important box.
After 200 years, the city begun to crumble.
The generator of the city started to malfunction.
The people of the city, never experience anything from the outside world.
They knew nothing of the unknowns.
They never experience day or night,
They didn't knew the color of the sky was blue.
So of course the main character of the movie (a guy & girl) doesn't want to just wait and die in the city of Ember.
Anyway, you gotta watch the movie yourself.
After watching the movie, I realized how important light is!
IMAGINE a world without light.
Darkness is horrifying.