MONDAY 19/1/09
Back then in last year, this is the day where family started..
So lemme just blog about yesterday, monday 19/1/09 ;D

So lemme just blog about yesterday, monday 19/1/09 ;D

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Woke up as early as 8 o'clock..
Felt rather reluctant to go to work ;(
Well, monday blues. . . right?
& It's even more boring without Ashley!
Anyway, I bought cup noodles..
Felt rather reluctant to go to work ;(
Well, monday blues. . . right?
& It's even more boring without Ashley!
Anyway, I bought cup noodles..
Enough to feed me for this week ;D
You see, this is how poor I am.
My total asset is only $5 now.
After work, dilly-dally but still ended up in commonwealth early.
What worst is Sebas/Franky is held up by their work & my mp3 just died on me halfway.
That painful 40 minutes of waiting. . .
After they reach commonwealth, train back to boonlay.
Franky left for home while we headed towards JP to meet up with family.
I missed them all!

One of the people I missed badly is Brenda!
We dined at KFC due to some special reasons.
Because it's the same place we dine back then in 19/1/08.
And I'm shocked they manage to get the same seats too!
Yes! Our Family Feast ;D
As usual, had fun dining there.
Talking & laughing with our mouth full of food.
After dinner, took a family shot outside KFC.
(gosh, exactly the same as what we did last year)
rawr, they let me take the front.
Yes, ilikeit in the back.
& my graphic tee is real striking, I LIKE! HAHAHA.
My two pretty girls...
Soon after, Cheryl left while we went to find Valarie at her workplace.
Chit chatted blabla.
Went to toilet & took pictures too.

so that's 4/10 of family for you ;P
Walked around JP slacking.
Went to find Simyee at her workplace too.
& then to anna's workplace & bought O-CHA's green tea at there.
p.s/: I don't really like it cause it's like pokka green tea + pearls and bloody expensive.
Slacked till 10 ++ (I can't really remember)
But all of us are tired & have work tomorrow.
So we headed home (;
Lastly, my favorite picture of the day..
