Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I'm Friendly But Anti-social (o.o)
Time passes real slow today!
Luckily boss went out for appointment, chance to skive is 100% safe!
So I blogshopped at voxybaby.blogspot.com (Xuelin's blogshop, Do visit ;D).
I can totally understand why she's a forever21 fan.
F21 is like every girl's dream~ Nice & Reasonable prices!
I wanta buy everything from f21!
I sound like a bad worker, Lazing around..Skiving.. ;(
Bought chocolates, Instant noodles, Packet drinks, sweets to "update" the pantry.
I Love Chocolates. Heck-care the ulcers LOL!
Went home while xuelin went clark quey for work.
She's like so hardworking...saving money...planing for the future...
I felt like sucha bum.
The last time I save my $ was like 2 years ago.
& I have no planing for my future.
I'm motivated.
I wanna save lotsa $ and start a business.
Like, when I'm 18 or something.
I'm filled with determination.
Mark my words.