2 weeks without pictures...
& now, it's payback time.

ok, maybe too many pictures at a time is not a good idea.
someone might just vomit blood and die.
& now, it's payback time.
ok, maybe too many pictures at a time is not a good idea.
someone might just vomit blood and die.
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Today is Friday & I'm effing mad.
Mum asked me yesterday to fetch my youngest sister & help her buy her uniform at the school bookshop. Apparently it didn't turn out well...
Woke up in the afternoon, got out of house, reach pps..
Waited under the hot sun for half an hour but to no avail.
Only to find out that this naughty little girl went off on her own, to home
(without me).
I was really mad and furious at that time.
I mean, I waited there sooooo long even before she was released.
& her excuse was "I never see you at the gate so i went home"
So un-be-bloody-lievable.
Shouted at her & obviously her little body can't take it so she locked herself in mama room and cried. okay, I'm a mean sister. Win already lo.
In the end, we patched up.
Waited half an hour for her to finish da bian (-,-) then bring her to buy uniform again.
Reach pps & then waited for my turn to get a visitor pass.
The teacher mistook me for lokesihui LOL. (hidden joke)
Anyway bought her uniform then walked to gp.
Went MAC and bought ice-cream, apple pie & fries as a treat for her.
She was so happy.
& yes.
This little sister of mine is easy to bribe.
haha :D