Update update! !
Yay finally (;
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Moma gave the wrongest wrong information (!)
Told us to get ready by 8am morning so we could visit ahma at the cemetery.
In the end, we went out at 12am.

Off to 2nd aunt's home!

My youngest sister wore qi pao on that day.
cute haha!

& here's the always-pick-a-fight sister of mine!
laughs ;d

&& another of my self-obsessed photo;
Ate lunch at 2nd aunt house.
All the relative came, received all the red packets & grew reaaaallly bored.
So sister & I left the place.
Wanted to go JP walk-walk.
Forgotten that all the shops are closed ;(
Went Haagen-dazs to chill.
Icescreaaam! ;O

retarded face haha!

I think my house's ice-cream nicer lol . .

I'm ready for the scoop ! :D


yumyum ;P
Soon after, Daddy drove to JP to fetch us.
Went to visit ahma at the cemetery!
Went there to pay our respect while sister and me walked around.
I can't really remember ahma, she died when I was really young.
I remember I use to hold her hand because she was blind in one eye.
& that's all ahah~

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Went Uncle's house for a normal lunch.
Get to see my cousins ohyay ;D
Then, to gugu's house.
I didn't even know she moved!
Her house was fancy, real fancy.
They invited the wu shi troupe to perform, just like every other year;
And had buffet for dinner.
p/s: I ate chocolates, chocolates, and more chocolates ;OOO
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Went over to Maisie's house steamboat!
Together with Franky, Sebastian, & her bro's friends.
Had a great laugh at her joke.
This girl is nonsense + rubbish man!
HAHA, ilike.
Shall post up more pictures when I feel like uploading.