Everyone will be anticipating the coming 2010...
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Bling nails
I made Amanda wait today, super sorry ;/
Took photos @ JP's basement car-park.
Amanda's a good model! She also gave me much ideas on shots for my portfolio.
Thanks xoxo.
Donna came to meet me an hour later.
Didn't manage to take any shots because there's not much idea and time is running short.
She went off for NDP show afterwards while I went home.
Family dinner @ Pioneer Mall Macdonald
p.s// painted my nails! Funky bling bling now wootsss
6:43 AM
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Good Ol' Days
New hairstyle (?)

I was having a small talk with my younger sister earlier on.
She found 60bucks in my room and felt envy/jealous or something.
(Not that its a lot of money but she's still a primary school kid)
& then she started telling me how many things she wanted to buy in the bookshop.
It's so nostalgic!
I remember not eating and saving up money to buy stuff in the bookshop too!
I would visit the bookshop every time during recess. (Have the kind of shopping feel LOL)
See all the pretty glitter pens and cute autograph books.
Looks like the bookshop still got its charm!

I was having a small talk with my younger sister earlier on.
She found 60bucks in my room and felt envy/jealous or something.
(Not that its a lot of money but she's still a primary school kid)
& then she started telling me how many things she wanted to buy in the bookshop.
It's so nostalgic!
I remember not eating and saving up money to buy stuff in the bookshop too!
I would visit the bookshop every time during recess. (Have the kind of shopping feel LOL)
See all the pretty glitter pens and cute autograph books.
Looks like the bookshop still got its charm!
6:27 AM
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Just finish watching Bleach & I'm still at episode 167!
I can't get to sleep ;((
Photoshoot later in the morning...gonna look damn cui
After watching so many episode of Bleach in one day, I realized something...
The camera always zoom-in into the anime's eyes to show their expression!
& they like to scold "shit! shit! shit!" or "s-son of a..." whenever they're angry.
I think I can even act out their action already! so typical!
I can't get to sleep ;((
Photoshoot later in the morning...gonna look damn cui
After watching so many episode of Bleach in one day, I realized something...
The camera always zoom-in into the anime's eyes to show their expression!
& they like to scold "shit! shit! shit!" or "s-son of a..." whenever they're angry.
I think I can even act out their action already! so typical!
12:56 PM
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Short post & I gtg

With my Amy Armstrong, laughs.
Today was really hap-hazard.
I woke up by myself this morning! My phone is on silent mode so the alarm didn't rang.
I am so.so.so angry with myself, for not checking my phone last night.
Cab to school with Donna. (no choice, hate to be late)
Yeaaa and today's lesson only lasted 1 hour!
Brrrr I'm starving like my stomach can curve to negative.
Gtg naooooo.
9:05 PM
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Guilty pleasures

I love Kristen Stewart's shades (picture above).
Still looking for it!
Shopping with mom yesterday in M'sia was fab because both of us love shoes!
Yay and I got myself a pair of heels.
I decided to dye my hair because of the ugly black roots showing ;(
Hope it turns out fine.
Right now, I'm waiting for D to wake up so she can come my house and help me dye.
(My dye-ing skills sucs big time)
Which I think is another cancelled appt because look at the time now!
7:43 PM
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Another 17-again

Happy Birthday Meldric!
I'm so-so-so sorry that I didn't celebrate this year birthday with you.
Didn't mean to last-minute bomb :(
But still, I hope you have a enjoyable birthday this year as always!
You will always be part of the best memory of my secondary school life.
6:00 AM
Let the end be the start
The beginning would feel like the end.
But what end was this?

I think I'm getting stm.
I forgotten what I did these few days.
Like totally no clue where I have been or what I did.
Kind of creepy to me.
Let's see...
I missed photoshoot today cause it's raining.
I missed mel's birthday celebration cause I'm sleeping.
& That's all I can remember about today.
Can't remember what I did yesterday.
But thank god there's twitter! I can check on what I did (weird way to use twitter lol)
So yesterday was another outing with Donna...
First, to Robinson Road so she can drop her CPF letter thingy.
Next to Starbucks at Marina where I get my Caramel ice blended coffee.
& then window shopping around there which makes me real frustrated because sales is everywhere but I can't get any stuff out of it because I have NO $.
Thats all (:
5:39 AM
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Baba girls

Yesterday, my whole class wore formal wear j4f. (f.y.i// j4f means just 4 fun)
& thanks Amanda for bringing the amazing cookies ;D
Catch the movie tranformer 2 with D, Susu, Jowee & Jet.
Not bad (:
On the side note, D and I came up with a new name for ourself.
Effing funny, made me laugh out loud throughout the bus ride!
6:43 PM
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Die-ing for August to come
My hair sucks big time!!
Things that makes my mood goes down:
1) Sucky Hair
2) Regretting the outfit that I wear
3) Not bringing enough $
4) Not on time
5) Being ignored!
6) Feeling sleepy
7) Problems with internet connections
8) Being useless
9) Getting lots of 'why' questions
10) The gold ring that turned silver
10 things that happen in one day, today.
Anyways. . .
Happy birthday to Cai Sia & Robert!
p.s// screwed plan again.
9:09 AM
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Maybe It's Maybeline
I'm sorta addicted to this quote 'maybe it's maybeline', laughs.
Pretty lame and no link whenever I use it!
Anyways, it has been ages since I blog! (not really)
Because I blog everyday so it's kinda weird when I don't.
*Blame it all to the blogger error.
There's like lots of events to blog about...
Sometimes I even forget what I did yesterday, so weird?
& blogger takes like a century to upload my photos!
I wanted to post more events but...next time (:
And if you are wondering why I'm oh-so-free now is because I came to school 2 hours early.
Unbelievable and kinda retard.
I freaked out at 8 o'clock when I was in train (I thought I was late) so I smsed my classmates.
Later to receive a call from Katsusu...
"Eh, you trying to act cute izzit. Today lesson start at 10 lah".
6:05 PM
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Gotta be tougher
Taken during work a few weeks back (I think)
An event called The Circus Act.

I'm just like what my friends say...'princess', 'girly', 'flimsy', etc.
I made many mistakes. Clumsy. Careless. & probably stupid.
I couldn't even open a Heineken bottle.
(I knocked the bottle on the floor spilling the beer all over the floor.)
Time to LEARN how to do things RIGHT.
An event called The Circus Act.
I'm just like what my friends say...'princess', 'girly', 'flimsy', etc.
I made many mistakes. Clumsy. Careless. & probably stupid.
I couldn't even open a Heineken bottle.
(I knocked the bottle on the floor spilling the beer all over the floor.)
Time to LEARN how to do things RIGHT.
9:34 AM
Friday, July 3, 2009
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Tweet tweet
Busy and tired ;/
Follow me on twitter for updates. (If you want)
I think I'll tweet more than I blog, laugh.
Nowadays tweeter is the first website I visit when I switch on my Macbook! :P
Follow me on twitter for updates. (If you want)
I think I'll tweet more than I blog, laugh.
Nowadays tweeter is the first website I visit when I switch on my Macbook! :P
8:40 AM
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