Can lend me? ;/
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Nah, Si Lin wants to show you her piercing!
Can see?
Okay, maybe close-up will be better. . .
Don't ask me which one is the recently pierced one!
Smart people should know that it is the one without the star star earring.
I don't know why they must use that standard normal silver stud.
Why can't they let us choose what earring we want then pierce.
I think some places works like that, which I think is good!
& I think I'm gonna pierce another one tomorrow; hahahaha.
The pain is really really tolerable for me.
I don't scream whenever I pierce my ear.
It's just that I'll freak out when I see the puncher near my ear, so scary ;/
Congrats to my sister for making it to the top 9 list in
The Power Of Love- Celine Dion.
YOU wouldn't want to know how she sings it up there.
The song is really really high.
& I'm suffering from a terrible headache hearing her sing, sigh*
8:10 AM
Friday, February 27, 2009
I pierced my ear.
I bought my kappa shoes.
I bought a checkered shorts ;O
& also a no.35 tee.
sweet 80bucks mwuah goodbye.
I pierced my ear.
I bought my kappa shoes.
I bought a checkered shorts ;O
& also a no.35 tee.
sweet 80bucks mwuah goodbye.
5:46 AM
Thursday, February 26, 2009
chalet babeee
* For invited people only *
People pleaaaaase pay meldric the $ asap alright!
4:18 AM
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
omg this is so stupid.
I got curious with this "who's your crush" website or something.
So I messaged to the number MYCRUSH.
Guess what?
Free msg: Your Secret Crush is Phillip! He is a tall Virgo with brown eyes & curly black hair. U 2 are a Perfect. . .
And that was before they start to spam me with advertisement and charges of $6/week until I message STOP CRUSH back to another number.
Lesson learnt: never be tooo curious, don't anyhow use online services.
7:15 AM
Monday, February 23, 2009
NP enrolment
Woke up late today.
Felt reluctant to go to work whenever I think about Simon blaming us for no hot leads.
So, texted Anna that I'll be working half-day today.
Coincidentally Ashley msged me that she won't be going to work too.
I can see smoke above Simon's head.
Anyway, I log on to Np's enrolment website today.
Jinglong you bluff me, the enrolment website haven open laaaaaa.
My appointment date is from <14-mar-2009> to <17-mar-2009>
Then, while I was watching Tv..
The administrator from NP called!
She called to check if all the forms has my names on it.
& she actually called me " Yeo Siew Ling " (!)
gosh *smacks head*
Alright, I'm off to take a passport photo of myself already.
;( ugly ugly ugly.
7:02 PM
Laughs, I just realized either my hairband or my macbook is magnetic.
Work today was really disgusting.
Anna & Me was scolded by Simon because we've no hot leads.
Not our fault what?!
The economy is bad, who would want to spend $ to advertise on yahoo.
& Simon goes "...can't be the reason for ALL the rejects today?"
Hoping for hot leads is like waiting for durian to fall from sky.
& this is soooo ridiculous.
I hate those receptionist who acts all high and almighty.
" who are you ah? what company? regarding what? what is it about?"
Felt super reluctant to talk to them. (After all I'm after their boss not them)
So, after explaining to them, they'll go "ohh, Mr.A not in leh, call back again"
Waste my time.
& what garbage English!
Me: So, I wonder if Mr.A is interested in the Yahoo! search ads I've emailed him?
Receptionist: We not interesting lah
C'mon it's "We'r not interested".
I know you are not interesting, don't have to tell me that!
I'm really really fed-up with work today.
My voice is gonna crack.
7:40 AM
Sunday, February 22, 2009
HOME sweet home
I finally figured out how to deal with all those admission to poly forms.
Took me real long to realize how simple it is !
Still, it's a great deal of trouble because my course needed check-up.
&& I have to get a passport size photo for the new ez-link card!
So many self-obsessed photo but NO passport photo! ;/
So many things to do.
Aw, as for today. .
Stayed at home & slackeeeeed.
You guys should really try this Karaoke party.
Kills time (;
12:23 AM
Saturday, February 21, 2009
As usual i'm late for my lesson today.
We changed maid again.
& hopefully this time it will be the last.
Dinner outside.
My Saturday is that boring
Changed my blogsongs;
All are on the top charts alright.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Tell me about it, Stud.
4:41 AM
Friday, February 20, 2009
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Alright, here goes my lunch time. . .
1.Who’s the person who tagged you?
Zi Kun
2.Relationship between you and him?
3. 5 impressions of him?
- passion for basketball
- talkative
- good-looking
- funny
- friendly
4.If he become your enemy you will?
dump his phone and shout Don'tyacallmeagain!
5.what will you say to the person you like very much?
6.A characteristic i like about myself?
Sensitive to others feelings
7.A characteristic i hate about myself?
8.For the person whom u hate, u say?
Shut up.
9.What do u feel abt urself?
Very very very poor.
10.Your crush?
haha secret!
11.Most ideal person u wanna be?
Pass this one to 10 ppl:
1. Ashley
2. Maisie
3. Sebastian
4. Franky
5. Si ya
6. Jing long
7. Li ping
8. Beng khoon
9. Meldric
10. Zhen dong
13.If 5 and 7 were together?
As a friend.
14.who does 5 like?
The anime boy character 'yi-ge-dong' LOL
15.what colour does 9 like?
16.Say smth to 8.
Yo jay ~~ *thumbs up punch*
17.Who is 2?
Super crazy from prisch till now bestie-
18.Talk abt 3.
Funny & Friendly?
19.who is 10’s best frewn?
No idea.
20.whose the sexiest among the 10?
Ashley ROFL sexy
21.what color does 4 like?
I don't know ;(
22.Is 4 single?
23.ur relationship with 1?
Slacking partner
24.Are 5 and 6 best frewns?
Nah, classmate.
25.9’s nickname?
Sexy Swisz
27.say smth to 4.
Haha better do this tag!
28.say smth to help 10.
You this crazy dong
29.who does 1 admire?
30.where does 8 live?
Jurong west
31.among 10 of them who u like?
To be fair, all.
32.Say smth to 6 when u see him
I also like you with no hair LOl
33.10’s spouse?
Too young lahs. . .
1.Who’s the person who tagged you?
Zi Kun
2.Relationship between you and him?
3. 5 impressions of him?
- passion for basketball
- talkative
- good-looking
- funny
- friendly
4.If he become your enemy you will?
dump his phone and shout Don'tyacallmeagain!
5.what will you say to the person you like very much?
6.A characteristic i like about myself?
Sensitive to others feelings
7.A characteristic i hate about myself?
8.For the person whom u hate, u say?
Shut up.
9.What do u feel abt urself?
Very very very poor.
10.Your crush?
haha secret!
11.Most ideal person u wanna be?
Pass this one to 10 ppl:
1. Ashley
2. Maisie
3. Sebastian
4. Franky
5. Si ya
6. Jing long
7. Li ping
8. Beng khoon
9. Meldric
10. Zhen dong
13.If 5 and 7 were together?
As a friend.
14.who does 5 like?
The anime boy character 'yi-ge-dong' LOL
15.what colour does 9 like?
16.Say smth to 8.
Yo jay ~~ *thumbs up punch*
17.Who is 2?
Super crazy from prisch till now bestie-
18.Talk abt 3.
Funny & Friendly?
19.who is 10’s best frewn?
No idea.
20.whose the sexiest among the 10?
Ashley ROFL sexy
21.what color does 4 like?
I don't know ;(
22.Is 4 single?
23.ur relationship with 1?
Slacking partner
24.Are 5 and 6 best frewns?
Nah, classmate.
25.9’s nickname?
Sexy Swisz
27.say smth to 4.
Haha better do this tag!
28.say smth to help 10.
You this crazy dong
29.who does 1 admire?
30.where does 8 live?
Jurong west
31.among 10 of them who u like?
To be fair, all.
32.Say smth to 6 when u see him
I also like you with no hair LOl
33.10’s spouse?
Too young lahs. . .
9:08 PM
Monday, February 16, 2009
Do you like me in straight hair or permed hair?
Well I'm thinking of a haircut.
Might as well re-dye my hair..
& maybe might as well just reborn/perm again..
There's so many hair color I like, laughs.
Guess I'll leave the choice to the hair stylist.
F.Y.I// I'm not harming my hair that soon, lol.
Perhaps during late March.
3:59 AM
Sunday, February 15, 2009
I totally screamed like mad mad cow.

Alright, a few hundred pages more to go to end the story.
3:55 AM
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Happy Valentine Day!
I woke up super early today.
uh wait, is 9 o'clock consider super early?
Dilly-dally here and there.
Called Mum and was told that my lesson is re-arranged from 12-2 to 1-3.
So I continued doing my random stuff, browsing through;
Luckily Ashley hasn't place the orders yet, the web is updating new stuff almost everyday!
Boy, & next week I can get my stuff I last ordered already teehee.
I promise myself to save at least $50 every week into the bank.
Mum and Me had a deal ;D
She will double up the money I gave her to save at my bank.
So, I'm currently accumulating my savings to at least 200bucks;
Then, I'll have 400bucks in my bank!
OH god just realized I side-tracked a little.
Haha, alright.
So Mum hurried me to get out of the house as we were running late.
& I forgotten to bring my wallet!
I realized it only after my lesson when I'm approaching the MRT station.
So I called Mum & went to the hair salon shop to find her.
Got the cash and rushed to the MRT station.
Met up with him & we trained to Bishan.
Reach there and walked around.
I'm super duber lucky!
I managed to buy my twilight book at Popular & it's fate that they're also having 20% discount.
I got my twilight book for only $13+ ! OMG?
Catch a show called Benjamin Buttons.
A classic story of how a boy is born old and then grows to be younger, and younger until he dies as a baby not as an old man.
Rather interesting but kinda too draggy.
I'll rate it 3.5/5
After the movie, train back home for dinner.
& I was kinda kena cheated.
Mum told me she's gonna prepare a lavish meal for the whole family to celebrate valentine.
(sounded like some big deal family time)
Still, by the time I reach home, all of them ate already (nvm cause I told them not to wait)
& both my parents are out.
Ah, anyway I enjoyed my day! ;D
Thanks for the accompany and gifts!
7:22 AM
Thursday, February 12, 2009
I had a terrible, horrible, vegetable sleep last night.
I can't seem to fall asleep so I was like flipping here & there finding a comfortable posture;
Then not long after my phone rang;
It's 5am.
I haven't been sleeping from 11pm to 5am.
Apparently I was just closing my eyes, not sleeping.
Gosh, so I went back to sleep and woke up only now.
& guess what?
I woke up with a terrible, horrible, vegetable eye inflammation on my right eye.
( Must be because I slept on the right side of my face throughout)
Darn it, what a great head-start of the day.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Met up with Liping at 1pm and we set off to the library.
We'r going there to discuss about the farewell celebration for Mr. Lim; Our form teacher.
He's gonna migrate to Canada for further studies with Miss Chew (!)
While waiting, took pictures with Liping.
Anyway, I end up catching up with Ying Jia & Si Ya.
Been sucha long time since I saw them!
And of course we talked about courses.
Si Ya thought I was rather 'Qian-Bian' to appeal out of Business It for Digital Visual Effects.
Because that's the course she wanted but couldn't get in, haha.
& most of them agree that Business It is a better course! :O
But still, It's said that Business can be picked up very fast.
So if I really regretted and needed this skill in the future, I can always go for night studies!
Do you know that NYP offers this super cool CCA - Cosplay.
So after the discussion, I met up with Zhendong at JP.
That CCY was super late I tell you!
And he had the nerves to say we'r early not he late.
Catch a local movie called Love Matters with them.
It was super funny I have to slap Zhendong's arm everytime I laugh!
After the movie, Zd complained that he regretted sitting in the middle.
Because "one keep slap me, the other keep using his arm nudge me".
& yeah.
We had a long debate on whose house to go outside JP.
Ended up going to my house!
There's nothingggggg to play in my house.
So we spotted chiobu's blog and friendster blablabla.
CCY is interested in __________ and wants ________ phone number.
Finally, thanks Julius for sending me this book; The Host.
I'm still reading it! page 15, not bad ok.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
& This, is during Cheryl's Birthday;
The lead girl;
& HERE's a lil mini pic of Anna, Me & Jay (;
9:07 PM
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Remember this picture?
Family if your' looking at this;
You must have realized that this neoprint was originally left 'for-me-to-scan'.
& we forgotten all about it.
Anyway do remind me to pass it to you guys when we meet!
It has been collecting dust on my table together with my sec4 worksheets man.
7:49 PM
Here's a wink for you!
ok omg now bring me out for valentines.
Just kidding lah!
I'm not that desperate.
But still, single friends out there, hope you'll get your perfect valentines (;
As for me, nobody has asked me out yet!
And I'm not lying about this okay, laughs.
Still, I think I will be out with . . .
(gans) FAMILY.
Omg, I feel damn evil.
I was like "aye! you all saturday free not. Valentines! omgomgomg so paiseh right no date. c'mon go out that day leh, plsplsplsplszxxzxzxz".
& then, Sebas was super smug he said something like "eee, you no valentine doesn't mean I DON'T HAVE marrrrr".
Hahaha, c'mon as if you have.
Sebas if your' reading this don't hit me. ;x
Anyway, my conclusion is: Valentines day big deal!
So people, don't be stress about that day alright?!
As what Shihao said to me, "walk around, maybe some guys will ask for your contact number give you flowers".
So girls, maybe you'll find some surprise on the street, you'll never know!
10:01 AM
Monday, February 9, 2009
I have a really bad character inside me;
When I can't get it, I want it.
But I'll change.
Something that isn't coming towards my direction, I'll not pursue it, I'll let it go.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
& here's the pic we took during cny visiting.
8/10 of family;
I love them!
6:44 PM
YES, I'm elated that my appeal is a success.
I hope I won't regret too.
Called Mum and she said she was rather unhappy that my appeal was a success.
She said SP is a better learning environment and nearer as compared to NP.
She also added "I should have prayed for your appeal to fail just now".
Like Mother Like Daughter.
We'r all about praying when something big happens.
But still, Mum said that if I like the course she'll support me (;
& yeah, I'll be accompanying Jaymei to Np tomorrow for another appeal.
I hope he'll make it to Np or I'll cry ;(
As for friends in Sp, We'll come visit you guys!
Doesn't mean different poly = No contact.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
As for today, It's a secret.
Overall, I'm super envy with this particular girl.
She's super fortunate and lucky haha!
God my eyes are turning green!
I know this is random, but I have a twin sister.
Nah, just kidding.
6:41 AM
Sunday, February 8, 2009
My appeal is successful.
I'll be in media; NP.
Digital Visual Effects.
On the other side,
Jaymei's appeal failed . . . ;(
My appeal is successful.
I'll be in media; NP.
Digital Visual Effects.
On the other side,
Jaymei's appeal failed . . . ;(
10:44 PM
It's gonna be 2pm and I'm really really, really anticipating to my appeal results.
I hope I can get into Ngee An Poly !
If not. . .
I can imagine myself sitting in one corner of the lecture room,
Msn-ing Sebas (My only close friend who landed in SP) where to go for lunch.
& as an anti-social but friendly person, I think this situation will totally come true.
(okay lah maybe on the first day)
So I was talking to jaymei about this super scary situation and he told me he's gonna introduce himself as mike on the first day of school.
HAHA! smart.
Why I don't have a christian name uh?
So super not fair. ;O
I think christian name is nicer/easier to remember!
Imagine on the first day of school I'll go "hello I'm silin" & then the next day people will go "hey, what's your name again?" or "uh, seyling right?"
Classic example: Ashley spelt my name as silinG
Okay enough of my not-so-optimistic ideas ;(
This is what I did on the second day of having my macbook.
The webcam is like super fun. (omg i sound so sua gu like never play with it before)
& guess what?
I recorded many videos of my sisters ;O
The thought of it makes me laugh!
They actually took a video of pringles (?)/ funny random stuff.
Wanted to post their stupid videos but I think it's infringement of human rights.
Yea. . .
Okay anyway I went house visiting yesterday.
Hoe yeen & Meldric's house.
I shall blog further when get the pictures.
Meanwhile. . .
This is in Hoe yeen's super nice, look like ikea-showroom-house.
& It's a coincidence that i'm reading the recruiting newspaper.
Anyway JL says I look like an auntie reading a newspaper.
Really meh! >;/
9:14 PM
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